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Renata Santamarina has been creating her utopia since 1996. She's been
in a quest for the beauty held in the surreal for as long as she can remembers.
As a keen observator of myths, stories and magic understandings of the world;
she has found the soul that holds together her artistic proposal. Her
love language flows through fantasy images to the world, being drawing
and painting her main channel. 
She has been influenced by many. The interest for detail comes from flemish painting.
The development of drawing arises from observing the best ones of the craft,
like R. Dautremer, L. Lipton, W. Jamnitzer & E. Haeckel. Her main inspiration
has always been Remedios Varo; she captured her when she was only
ten years old, with "Papilla Lunar"; and helped her decide to
devote this life to creation.

If you want to keep updated Renata's latest works and the stories behind
them, you can sign up to her newsletter.


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